Earth's Layers Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: seismic waves : waves of energy caused by earthquakes and other rock movement, apple : the outer layer is similar to the skin of an _ , inner core : the solid layer made of iron and nickel, asthenosphere : the plastic-like layer that allows the crust to flow over it, mantle : this layer has strong convection currents, which are responsible for the crust's movement, crust : this layer is made up of the oceanic and continental, crust : the thinnest layer of the earth, lithosphere : includes the cool, dense, rigid part of the mantle as well as the solid outer section, granite : the type of rock found most readily in the crust, outer core : the layer of earth responsible for the earth's magnetic field, mantle : the largest layer of the earth, oceanic crust : a thin layer of crust that overlies the ocean basins