Earthquakes Review Crossword Puzzle

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  • body : type of earthquake wave that passes through the earth
  • aftershock : secondary earthquake
  • earthquake : series of shock waves traveling through earth
  • regional : an earthquake above 9.0 would cause _ destruction
  • volcanoes : earthquakes are often associated with these
  • san francisco : site of a major earthquake in 1906 - 2 words
  • mississippi : this river flowed backwards due to an earthquake
  • alaska : place of a large earthquake in 1964
  • china : place where deadliest recorded earthquake was
  • tsunami : powerful wave caused by an earthquake
  • epicenter : area on earth's surface directly above earthquake's focus
  • richter : scale to measure earthquake magnitude
  • focus : center of an earthquake
  • fires : these are often associated with earthquakes
  • margins : edges of tectonic plates
  • world series : sporting event interrupted by an earthquake in 1989-2 words
  • seismograph : measures earthquake waves
  • tectonic : most _ plates are the size of a continent
  • iran : in 2003 an earthquake here killed almost 40000.
  • indonesia : 200,000 people here were killed by a tsunami