Minerals and Ores Crossword Puzzle
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- mineral: a naturally occurring, inorganic, crystalline solid that has a definite chemical composition
- ore: a rock containing valuable minerals
- compound mineral: a mineral made of a chemical compound
- native mineral: a mineral made up of only one element that occurs in its pure state
- mineralogist: the study of minerals, including their formation, composition, structure, and alternation
- steak: mineral powder that is rubbed on a ceramic plate to identify its characteristic color
- luster: the amount and quality of light that a mineral reflects
- cleavage: a property of some mineral crystals that easily split along distinct planes
- fracture: the characteristic manner in which some minerals break
- hardness: a mineral's ability to resist scratching that relates to the crystal's structure
- specific gravity: the ratio of a mineral's density to the density of water at 4 degrees celcius
- acid test: a test used to identify certain minerals by observing their reaction with dilute hydrochloric acid to produce gas bubbles
- silicate: mineral family composed of minerals that contain silicon and oxygen
- sulfide: a mineral family composed of one or more metals and sulfur
- carbonate: a mineral family composed of minerals that contain one or more mineral atoms and carbonate
- halide: a mineral family of slat compounds