Water and Rock Cycle Crossword Puzzle

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Water and Rock Cycle Crossword Puzzle

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  • shale : a rock made of marine animals
  • evaporation : the process of water turning into gas.
  • metamorphic : rock made from enough heat and pressure under ground.
  • intrusive rock : a rock cooling inside the earth from magma
  • chemical : rocks made from left over sediments after evaporation of water.
  • organic rock : rocks that were made from living things.
  • collection : when bodies of water collects water after precipitation.
  • sedimentary : rock made from piles of sediment.
  • extrusive rock : rock cooling outside of earth from lava
  • oceans : the largest bodies of water on earth.
  • lake : a medium body of water that does not connect with the ocean.
  • igneous : rock created from cooling of magma/lava