Rocks and Soil Crossword Puzzle

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Rocks and Soil Crossword Puzzle

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  • parent rock : the rock formation that is the source of mineral fragments in the soil
  • physical weathering : any process that breaks rock down into smaller pieces without changing the chemistry of the rock; typically wind and water.
  • magma : molten rock beneath the earth's surface
  • stewardship : responsibility for conserving and restoring the earth's resources for future generations
  • litter : the loose layer of dead plant leaves and stems on the surface of the soil
  • desertification : the gradual transformation of habitable land into desert
  • fertile soil : soil that is rich in minerals and good for growing crops
  • sedimentary rock : a type of rock formed by layers of sand, silt and mud hardening over time
  • topsoil : second highest horizon; it is dark and rich in accumulated organic matter and humus.
  • soil horizon : the layer of soil that differs in color and texture from the layers above or below it.
  • clear cutting : the process of cutting down all the trees in an area at once
  • lava : liquid magma that reaches the surface
  • sediment : small, solid pieces of material that come from rocks or living things
  • deposition : process in which sediment is laid down in new locations.
  • chemical weathering : the process that breaks down rock through chemical changes
  • soil conservation : the management of soil to prevent its destruction
  • metamorphic rock : a type of rock that forms from an existing rock that is changed by heat, pressure, or chemical reactions.
  • soil : a loose mixture of rock fragments, organic material, water, and air that can support the growth of vegetation
  • rock cycle : the series of processes that change one type of rock into another type of rock
  • igneous rock : rock formed by the cooling of lava
  • bedrock : the solid layer of rock beneath the soil
  • humus : rich, dark organic material formed by decay of vegetable matter, essential to soil's fertility