Planet Earth: Caves Crossword Puzzle

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Planet Earth: Caves Crossword Puzzle

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  • snotties : what are the things that look like stalactite-like formations known as?
  • sulfuric acid : the water in the villa luz cave is white because it contains _ .
  • mexico : the cave of swallows is located here.
  • islands : many caves are like _ because they are cut off from the outside world and from other caves.
  • borneo : where is deer cave located?
  • lechuguilla : what is the name of the cave whose limestone has been eaten away by sulfuric acid?
  • bat droppings : caves are powered by _ .
  • clicks : cave swiftlests are birds that rely on their loud _ to find their way in total darkness.
  • maya : flooded underground caves in mexico used to support the great civilization of the _ .
  • guano : bat droppings are called _ .
  • line of silk : what does the cave glow worm use to trap prey?
  • seacaves : _ are created by the mechanical pounding of the waves.
  • troglobites : _ are animals that never emerge from caves or see daylight.
  • food : the biggest challenge that permanent cave dwellers face is finding a regular and reliable source of _ .
  • escarpments : many rocky _ were actually formed underwater.
  • deepest : the cave of swallows is the _ cave shaft in the world.
  • insects : what do bats eat?
  • sunlight : caves are one of the few habitats on earth not directly powered by _ .
  • bacteria : what do cave angel fish eat?
  • cockroaches : what feeds on bat droppings and anything that falls in it?
  • column : when stalactite meet stalagmite a _ is born.