Geography Lessons Crossword Puzzle

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Geography Lessons Crossword Puzzle

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  • bay: a body of water that is surrounded by land on most sides
  • coast: place where the ocean meets land
  • gulf: part of an ocean or sea that extends into the land
  • lake: body of fresh, not salty water completely surrounded by land
  • natural resource: anything found in nature that can be used by humans
  • plains: flat lands
  • official language: language used by a government and taught in schools
  • canal: man made waterway
  • isthmus: narrow strip of land that connects two larger land masses
  • plateau: flat highland
  • sub region: area that is part of a larger region
  • contiguous: sharing a common border, touching
  • inset map: smaller map shown inside a larger one
  • region: area of land that might have a similar history, culture, climate
  • square mile: size of a square, where each side of the square is one mile long
  • highway map: shows major roadways in a region
  • cape: land-form that juts into water and does not follow coastline