Geography Regions Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle

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Geography Regions Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle

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  • humid : air contains a higher amount of water vapor and is hot and sticky feeling
  • agribusiness : large-scale farming including production, processing, and distribution
  • intrastate : connecting the existing area within a state
  • urbanization : becoming a city over time
  • boom and bust cycle : an economic period in which high demands leads to high output which results in falling prices and hard times
  • open range : public land that could be used by anyone, usually for grazing cattle
  • stockyard : place where livestock are penned before they are shipped off elsewhere
  • wrangler : a ranch hand who takes care of saddle horses on a cattle drive
  • wildcatter : an independent oil driller
  • arid : area that is lacking enough water for things to grow
  • drought : a period of lower than normal precipitation
  • alluvial soil : rich dirt that has been deposited from flowing river water
  • interstate : a network of highways that connect major cities across the u.s.
  • petrochemical : any substance made from petroleum or natural gas
  • refinery : building equipped to process products such as oil, metals, or sugar
  • derrick : a framework or tower that supports a drill over a deep hole