Physical Geography Crossword Puzzle

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Physical Geography Crossword Puzzle

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  • geyser : a hole in the ground that sends out hot water and steam, often found in iceland
  • crops : food that is grown, e.g. on a field (wheat, barley etc.)
  • capital : the most important city of a country
  • shore : the land along the edge of an area of water (such as an ocean, lake, etc.)
  • gorge : valley with very steep sides
  • stream : a small river
  • ridge : a long area of land that is on top of a mountain or hill
  • summit : the highest point of a mountain : the top or peak of a mountain
  • glacier : a river of ice that slides down the side of a mountain and changes the terrain
  • landscape : an area of land that has a particular quality or appearance (e.g. a swamp or forest)
  • gulf : a large area of ocean that is partly surrounded by land (e.g. in mexico)
  • current : as a noun - a continuous movement of water, electricity or air in the same direction; as an adjective happening or existing now : belonging to or existing in the present time
  • mountain chain : a row of high mountain summits, such as the alps or himalayas (no space between the words)