How Earth Is Formed Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: earthquakes : transform boundaries forms strong _ , athenosphere : _ is plastic-like viscous rock, volcanic islands : divergent boundaries form _ , major earthquakes : transform boundary causes _ , core : the _ was formed when the solar system was young, mid ocean ridges : _ is formed by the divergent boundary, divergent : _ forms mid-ocean ridges and rift valleys, convergent : _ forms volcanic mountains and volcanic mountains and deep-sea trenches, mesosphere : has a relatively high concentration of iron and other metal atoms, rift valley : _ is formed on a divergent boundary, inner core : the _ was formed 1.5 billion years ago, deep trenches : _ form where tectonic plates are being subducted, mantle : the core and magma formed the _ , volcanic mountains : convergent boundaries form _ , outer core : the _ was formed from surrounding molten iron, trenches : subduction forms _ , v shaped : trenches form a _ depression, crust : _ is formed at mid-ocean ridges, lithosphere : _ is created in gaps from magma