Poisonous Things in Utah Crossword Puzzle

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Poisonous Things in Utah Crossword Puzzle

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  • nightshade : eating leaves, berries, and roots can be fatal to anyone (hint: it's name seems dark)
  • monkshood : also known as wolf's bane
  • brown recluse : brown spider with enough poison in one bite to require medical attention
  • mosquito : very common, bites are itchy and can spread the west nile virus
  • black widow : red hourglass shape on belly
  • hobo : get their name from the belief that the species has spread throughout the united states via railways, and because of their tendency to live in places with hidden cracks
  • stinging nettle : stinging hair found on stems and leaves
  • foxglove : tall flowering plant with colorful trumpet shaped flowers
  • bee : stings create redness, swelling, and itching. can be dangerous if allergic reaction occurs
  • gila monster : looks like a large lizard
  • scorpion : commonly found in desert climates. stay away from its stinger
  • rattlesnake : lives in dry hot climates, one bite is fatal
  • peace lily : houseplant commonly given as gifts... anything but peaceful ;)
  • poison ivy : causes skin irritation and itchiness