Archaeology Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: archaeologist : a person who studies ancient cultures through the examination of artifacts, decomposed : to rot, or decay, secondary source : created after the fact, it is not original, a replica of something, geography : the study of the earth and land forms, anthropology : the study of human culture and how it developed over time, primary source : an item that comes from that actual time period, someone who lived through the actual experience, strata : the layering of soil over time, archaeology : the study of people and cultures through the examination of artifacts, prehistory : a time before written history, fossils : remains of plant and animal life that has been preserved over time, artifact : a man made portable object used by humans, midden : piles of discarded objects, like trash piles, or piles of shells that people have left behind, feature : a non-portable object built by humans and for human use, like buildings, decipher : to discover the meaning or to decode, ancestors : a person you are descended from, your family from the past, excavate : to dig up, eco fact : organic materials found alongside artifacts on an archaeological site. such as bone, pollen, plants