People and Places Crossword Puzzle

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People and Places Crossword Puzzle

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  • permafrost : permanently frozen ground not far below the surface of the soil
  • country : the place where an indigenous australian comes from and where their ancestors lived; it includes the living environment and the landscape
  • sparsely : _ populated - describes a region in which few people live
  • hinterland : a region that surrounds a city, or the land that lies next to a coastline
  • infrastructure : the facilities, services and installations needed for a society of function, such as transportation and communication systems, water and power lines
  • demographic : describes statistical characteristics of a population
  • natural resources : resources (such as landforms, minerals and vegetation) that are provided by nature rather than people
  • sea change : the movement of people to coastal towns
  • intensive : land used in which farms are smaller but have more workers and machinery to produce high yields per hectare; examples are dairy and poultry farms, orchards, vegetables and feedlots
  • remote : a long away from other towns or houses
  • extensive : land use in which farms are huge, with few workers and not many cows or sheep per workers and machinery to
  • regional center : the main town in a region