Coastal Processes and Waves Crossword Puzzle
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- wind : the power source of waves
- fetch : the distance the wind travels over to create a wave
- swash : the energy of a wave up a beach
- backwash : the energy of a wave as it leaves a beach
- constructive : a wave that builds up a beach
- destructive : a wave that removes a beach
- erosion : the process of waves breaking apart the coastline
- transportation : the process of waves moving material
- deposition : the process by which waves drop material
- hydraulicaction : when water pushes air into cracks in rocks, enlarging them
- attrition : when rocks hit against each other becoming smaller and rounder
- abrasion : when rocks are dragged against the cliff, smoothening it (like sandpaper)
- solution : when chemicals in seawater dissolve certain rock types
- coast : the area where the land meets the sea