Forests Crossword Puzzle

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Forests Crossword Puzzle

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  • deforestation : the process of removing forests
  • desertification : the process of turning soil into sand
  • mangrove : a type of tree with roots that grow underwater
  • sawmill : a place where logs are transformed into smaller pieces for construction
  • taiga : the smallest northern forests are called _
  • tundra : the smallest type of vegetation found only in very cold climates
  • exploitation : to make money by using a resource is called _
  • deciduous : a tree that loses its leaves is called a _ tree
  • boreal : type of forest that contains mainly coniferous trees
  • tropical : type of forest that grows only in hot climates
  • mixed : the type of forest that contains both deciduous and coniferous trees
  • trade : the economy is a measure of how much we _
  • employment : a longer word for "jobs"
  • pacific: the largest ocean
  • atlantic : the ocean in between africa and the americas
  • brazil : the largest country in south america
  • tributary : a small river that feeds a larger river
  • amazonia : the forest region spans 9 countries!
  • poacher : a person who illegally steals a natural resource