Oceanography - the Seafloor Crossword Puzzle
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- sonar : a system detecting objects under water by emitting sound pulses and measuring their return after reflection
- guyot : flat-topped underwater mountain formed when wave energy erodes the top of a sinking volcanic island
- bolide : piece of space debris that typically explodes upon impact with the atmosphere
- atoll : circular coral reef that forms a ring of islands around a central lagoon and that is bounded up on the outside by the deep water of the open sea
- terrigenous sediment : sand, silt, and clay eroded from the continents and deposited on the ocean floor mainly through submarine canyons extending out from the continental shelf
- transform fault : a strike-slip fault
- continental slope : the relatively steep region of the seafloor between the continental shelf and the continental rise
- abyssal plain : the flat, level, largely featureless parts of the ocean floor between the mid-ocean ridge and the continental rise
- continental rise : an apron of sediment at the foot of the continental slope that merges with the deep seafloor
- oceanic trench : a long, narrow, steep-sided depression of the seafloor formed where a subducting oceanic plate sinks into the mantle, causing the seafloor to bend downward
- seamount : a submarine mountain, usually of volcanic origin, that rises 1 km or more above the surrounding seafloor
- continental shelf : the shallow, very gently sloping portion of the seafloor that extends from the shoreline to approximately 200 meters water depth at the top of the continental slope
- magnetometer : instrument that measures the strength and, in some cases, the direction of a magnetic field