Minerals and Mining Crossword Puzzle

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  • minerals: includes all crystalline structured, inorganic elements typically formed by geologic processes.
  • strip: a form of surface mining that removes whole seams of mineral by taking off the surface layers.
  • open pit: a form of surface mining that involves digging a huge pit and extracting layers of mineral.
  • mountaintop removal: a form of surface mining that takes down the mountain to expose seams of coal forced up during tectonic movement
  • dredging: a form of surface mining that removes minerals from underwater by deepening or widening a waterway.
  • soils: leftover soil and rock that was removed.
  • subterranean: a form of mining in which large shafts are dug into the ground.
  • acid mine drainage: ocurs when surface water and air are exposed to metal sulfides.
  • subsidence: ground sinking down into open spaces due to subsurface mining.
  • in situ: a form of mining for rare metal that involves drilling holes and pumping chemicals and water to dissolve rock.
  • land reclamation: the process of restoring the land to a natural state after mining is done.
  • fracking: includes drilling a well and injection of highly pressurized liquids to break apart rock layers deep in the ground. used to remove natural gas and petroleum.
  • tailings: left over rocks/minerals after separation from ore, often contaminated with the chemicals.