Endogenic Processes Crossword Puzzle

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Endogenic Processes Crossword Puzzle

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  • partial melting : this happens when some minerals melt, and others remain solid.
  • magma : it forms from the partial melting of mantle rocks approximately the same temperature, but the pressure is reduced.
  • volcanism : it is the geological phenomena that occurs on the surface of the earth. located below the surface of the earth.
  • endogenic process : an _ is a geological process that was formed, originated, and
  • intrusion : a magma that moves up into a volcano without erupting
  • extrusion : an eruption of magma that causes the volcano to grow on the outside.
  • plutonism : it refers to all sorts of igneous geological activities that
  • decompression : melting that takes place within earth when a body of rock is held at
  • flux : melting that takes place when temperature is reduced take place below the earth's surface.