Rocks and Minerals Crossword Puzzle

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Rocks and Minerals Crossword Puzzle

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  • geologist : person who studies rocks and minerals
  • color : most minerals are only one _
  • lava : melted rock that flows onto earth's surface
  • rock : nonliving material made of one or more minerals
  • igneous : rock that forms when melted rock cools and hardens
  • hardness : how easily a mineral can be scratched
  • sedimentary : rock that forms from layers of sediment that pile up
  • luster : how shiny or dull a mineral is
  • metamorphic : rock that has been changed by heating and squeezing
  • minerals : solid nonliving substances found in nature
  • geology : study of rocks and minerals
  • streak : the color of the powder left when a mineral is rubbed on a white tile
  • magma : melted rock deep inside the earth
  • sediment : tiny bits of weathered rock or once living animals or plants