Volcanoes Review Crossword Puzzle

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  • geothermal : energy from hot ground water
  • gas : emission of this is often a first sign of an eruption
  • active : _ volcanoes have erupted in recorded history
  • lava : what magma becomes when it reaches earth's surface
  • shield : type of volcano with mostly runny lava
  • dormant : volcano that has not erupted in historical times, but could erupt
  • volcanologist : volcano scientist
  • avalanche : glowing _
  • bombs : blocks of lava that solidify as they fly through air
  • warm springs : place in georgia with a hot spring (2 words)
  • geyser : thermal spring that ejects water in intervals
  • krakatoa : this was heard 4600 km away
  • pahoehoe : in this type of flow the top crusts and bottom continues to flow
  • magma : _ chamber
  • santorini : may have destroyed minoan civilization
  • usa : country that produces the most geothermal electricity
  • vulcan : roman god of fire
  • higher : the deeper into the earth you go, the _ the temperature
  • continuous : volcano that has ongoing eruptions
  • crater : depression at the top of a volcanic cone
  • yellowstone : a volcanic explosion here may have been an "8"
  • cinders : these are from 2 mm to 64 mm
  • extinct : no historical eruptions, no sign of activity