Common Rocks Crossword Puzzle

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Common Rocks Crossword Puzzle

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  • granite : igneous, intrusive rock with large crystals, used in counter tops
  • obsidian : igneous, extrusive, volcanic glass
  • gneiss : metamorphic, foliated, made from granite
  • meta conglomerate : metamorphic, foliated, formed from conglomerate
  • shale : sedimentary, fine grained rock that forms from silt, can contain petroleum
  • quartzite : metamorphic, non-foliated, formed from quartz
  • basalt : igneous, extrusive, dark rock without crystals
  • limestone : sedimentary rock composed of fossilized shells of sea creatures
  • sandstone : sedimentary rock, often banded, formed from the lithification of sand
  • conglomerate : sedimentary, clastic rock, made from small rocks lithified together
  • marble : metamorphic, non-foliated, formed from limestone
  • slate : metamorphic, formed from shale, used for roofing and flooring
  • pumice : igneous, extrusive, formed from rapid cooling, floats, used for removing dead skin from feet and body