Plate Techtonics Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: asthenosphere : solid layer with plasticity in the upper mantle just below the lithosphere, convergent : what type of plate boundary collides with the other to create mountains?, transform : what type of plate boundary slides past the other to create fault lines?, himalayas : what mountain range formed from the collision of the india and eurasia plate?, hotspot : area in the mantle from which magma rises from a narrow plume to form volcanic mountains, convection current : heated, less dense air or liquid rises and cooler, more dense air or liquid sinks, subduction : when two plates collide and the more dense one sinks under the earths surface, continental drift : theory that continents were once one big land mass and over time they drifted apart, hawaiian islands : what islands were formed over a hotspot?, aleutian islands : what islands were formed from the collision of two oceanic plates?, plate tectonics : theory that the lithosphere is divided into tectonic plates that float around on the asthenosphere, andes mountains : what mountain formed along the coast of south africa as a result of plate subduction after a collision, seafloor spreading : when magma oozes from mid ocean ridges, creating new crust that gradually moves away from the ridge and makes one ocean bigger and the other smaller, divergent : what type of plate boundary pulls away from the other to form rift valleys?, lava : magma that has reached the surface, fossil : materialized remains of organisms that show how long an animal lived and the structure of their body, lithosphere : cool, rigid outermost layer of the earth. consists of the upper most part of the mantle and the crust, magma : hot, molten rock from deep within the earth