Volcanoes Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: extinct : an _ , or dead volcano is a volcano that is unlikely to ever erupt again, eruptions : volcanic _ can be quiet or explosive, silica : _ is a material found in magma that forms from the elements oxygen and silicon, caldera : the large hole formed when the roof of a volcano's magma chamber collapses, chamber : beneath a volcano, magma collects in a magma _ , ridges : volcanoes form along the mid-ocean _ where two plates move apart, pipe : volcanoes have a long tube called a _ through which magma moves from the magma chamber to earth's surface, explosively : a volcano erupts _ if its magma is high in silica, vent : molten rock and gas leave the volcano through an opening called a _ , flow : lava _ is the spread of lava as it pours out of a vent, active : an _ , or live volcano is one that is erupting or has shown signs that it may erupt in the near future, neck : a volcanic _ forms when magma hardens in a volcano's pipe and the surrounding rock later wears away, shield : thin layers of lava slowly build a wide, gently sloping mountain called a _ volcano, plates : volcanic belts form along the boundaries of earth's _ , quietly : a volcano erupts _ if its magma is hot or low in silica, composite : _ volcanoes are tall, cone-shaped mountains in which layers of lava alternate with layers of ash, crater : a _ is a bowl-shaped area that may form at the top of a volcano around the central vent, dormant : a _ or sleeping volcano is a volcano that scientists expect to awaken in the near future, dome : a _ mountain forms when uplift pushes a large body of hardened magma toward the surface, volcano : a mountain that forms in earth's crust when molten material, or magma reaches the surface, hawaiian : mostly quiet eruptions formed the _ islands, pacific : the ring of fire includes many volcanoes that rim the _ ocean, plateaus : after millions of years, repeated floods of lava can form high, level _ , sill : a slab of volcanic rock formed when magma squeezes between layers of rock, dike : a slab of volcanic rock that forms when magma forces itself across rock layers.