Shopping Crossword Puzzle

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Shopping Crossword Puzzle

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  • pharmacy : a shop that sells medicines.
  • bank : a place to save money.
  • fitting room : where you can try on clothes before buying them.
  • bookstore : a shop that sells books.
  • bakery : a shop that sells bread, cakes, and pastries.
  • florist : a shop that sells flowers.
  • cash : coins or paper money people pay with.
  • wallet : a pocket-sized holder for money and credit cards.
  • shopping cart : a large metal basket with wheels that you put your groceries in.
  • black friday : the day after thanksgiving when lots of stores have big sales.
  • butcher : a shop that sells meat.
  • list : a group of items written down that you need to remember to buy.
  • return : to bring something back to the store you bought it from.