Railway Track Terms Crossword Puzzle

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Railway Track Terms Crossword Puzzle

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  • ballast : a selected material placed in a track to hold its position, distribute weight, dissipate force, and provide drainage. usually, crushed quarry stone.
  • rail shim : a shim placed between a rail fastening pas and the 2nd pour concrete to adjust the surface of the track.
  • concentric curve : having a common center, or to be the same as the other. one curve having the same dimensions as the other (twins)
  • anchor rail : a device installed on the rail base preventing longitudinal rail movement and build-up of axil force.
  • alignment : the position of track in the horizontal plane expressed as tasngent or curve.
  • cross level : the vertical relation between the top of the two rails of a track.
  • apron : concrete paved area at the ends of shop buildings. can be used to place hi-rail vehicles on the track.
  • yard : a system of tracks of defined limits for the purpose of storing and servicing cars.
  • tangent : track with straight alignment,
  • pull apart : the separation of rail ends due to cold temperatures or rail creep.
  • abutment : a mass of masonry supporting an arch or a beam at the end of a bridge.
  • crossover : a pair or group of turnouts which allows trains or on-track equipment to cross from one track to another.
  • insulated joint : a rail joint which stops electrical current from flowing from one rail to another; separates sections of track into distinct circuits for signal shunting.
  • rail lubricator : a mechanical device installed on the track that dispenses rail lubricants to rolling stock wheels to reduce friction between wheel flanges and the rail-head.
  • disturbed track : track that has been shifted or loosened from the ballast (usually as a result of maintenance activities) resulting in reduced resistance to dynamic, static, or thermal forces.
  • samson switch : a switch in which the back of the switch rail in the point area is made into an angle, thereby "tucking" the switch point partially under the railhead of the stock rail. this requires the use of a mating, undercut, (samson undercut)
  • vertical curve : a curve that connects two different grades in the track ( a hill)
  • aerial structure : a long raised structure made of concrete, iron, or steel that allows trains to travel above the surrounding area.
  • third rail anchor : insulated tension strap connecting the 3rd rail to the track structure. it is designed to resist longitudinal movement of the third rail.