Car Maintenance Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: drunk : it is stupid and dangerous to drive when _ !, ford : a brand of car, accident : poor driving can lead to this, garage : place where cars are repaired, license : you need this to drive legally on the road, stop : you must _ at this octagonal road sign, speeding ticket : what you get if caught going too fast (2 words), tires : round and made of rubber, weather : bad _ conditions can make driving unsafe, indicator : you use this to signal a turn, petrol : most cars run on this, oil : protects the engine from wear, mechanic : someone who fixes your car engine, holden : a brand of car, boot : holds the luggage when going on a trip, responsible : you have to be a _ driver on the road, passenger : another person in a car, safe : away from harm, road code : the official set of rules for road users, vehicle : used to transport people or goods (clue v), drugs : you are an idiot to drive when under the influence of _ !, streets : people drive on these