Aircraft Structures Crossword Puzzle
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- longitudinal : axis, extends lengthwise through the aircraft fuselage from the nose to the tail
- flaps : secondary flight control, provide increased lift, drag, and wing area for takeoff and landing
- ailerons : primary flight control, controls roll about the longitudinal axis
- vertical : axis, extends through the center of the aircraft from the top to the bottom
- empennage : contains the vertical fin (stabilizer) upon which the rudder is located and attached
- thrust : forward force produced by the power plant.
- gravity : center of _ , the point at which all of the weight of the aircraft is considered to be concentrated
- rudder : primary flight control, controls yaw about the vertical axis
- weight : downward force exerted on an object caused by gravity
- lateral : axis, extends span wise through the aircraft from wing tip to wing tip
- fuselage : central area of aircraft aft of the firewall and forward of the empennage
- drag : backward force caused by the disruption of airflow over the wings, fuselage, and any protruding objects
- lift : upward force created by the effect of airflow as it passes over and under the wings
- elevator : primary flight control, controls pitch about the lateral axis
- trim : secondary flight control, tabs located on the trailing edge of primary flight controls