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Food & Drinks Crossword Puzzles
Free printable food & drinks crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
the _ control program is designed to prevent the ingress of insects, mice and birds into a facility, retail products are not allowed to be sold when …
a cool and tasty sweet treat that comes in various flavors, sweet, colorful, and delicious little treats, fluffy and crunchy beach snack made of corn, …
formed by the coagulation of milk and is produced in a wide range of flavors, a product that is commonly known as nation's most nearly perfect food, a …
a red berry with a sweet taste, a red fruit in a triangle shape with seeds, a blue fruit which is a superfood and a berry, a red berry with a very …
dark woods [germany (5,6,6)], a custard pie [mexico (4)], gluten free cake [japan (5)], without a hole [spain (6)], punjabi marizipan [india (5,5)], …
tool for filing away the dull portion of knives, result in cube shaped slices, including larger, medium, small and brunoise, kitchen tool used for …
fried pork meat, black drink that gives energy, meat in a tube, hot water infused with leaves, animal that lives in water, white grain eaten many …
food without meat and fish, time when you eat food, chinese, russian or american food (sushi, burger, blini), food is cooked with fire, unique food or …
one of 20 kinds of organic compounds that are linked chemically to one another, forming proteins, a nutrient that is needed by the body in small …
it is a fat-like substance that is present in all body cells and is needed for many essential body processes, these are the nutrients that help the …
popular yellow cheese, soft french cheese, dutch cheese with red wax, greek salad cheese, cheese on pizza, hard italian cheese, cheese with holes, …
small, bean-shaped candy, chewing gum, hard crystallized sugar, hard candy, soft, fluffy confection, sweet treat made from cocoa, chewy candy with a …
to cut meat through the middle without completely separating the halves and then spread the halves evenly. this technique makes stuffing easier and …
used for making flour, used for making soups, used for making granola, makes up 13% of the cereal grain, the most nutritious part of the grain, makes …
the 7th element on the periodic table, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fibres, protein and healthy fats make this, in foods such as oranges and …
what term describes the expansion of dough as yeast produces carbon dioxide gas?, this protein in wheat flour plays a crucial role in bread dough's …
tangy, fermented bread, italian flat loaf, long french bread, bread made from rye flour, olive oil-rich italian bread, soft, sweet french bread, …
a thick and hearty soup usually made with cream, meat, potatoes, cabbage and other vegetables simmered in it, a combination of mashed potatoes and …
i am the national dish of scotland, i am like crepes but i'm thick and fluffy, i am greasy and fishy. i can be found as street food in the streets of …
smooth red wine, popular white wine, full-bodied red wine, crisp white wine, light red wine, sweet or dry white wine, spicy red wine, bold red wine, …
transparent gel that can be tinted any color for decorating or writing, the container that hold your decorating tip and decorating icing, concentrated …
done to incorporate air in a mixture by mechanical agitation. wire whisk, fork and egg beater is used in mixing, rubbing one or two ingredients in a …
a cool and tasty sweet treat that comes in various flavors, sweet, colorful, and delicious little treats, fluffy and crunchy beach snack made of corn, …
strong, concentrated coffee, espresso with steamed milk, espresso with frothy milk, espresso diluted with hot water, espresso with a splash of milk, …
hand-formed sushi with a slice of fish on top, thinly sliced raw fish, no rice, rolled sushi wrapped in seaweed, cone-shaped sushi roll, sushi roll …
this aroma could be reminiscent of soil or found in mushrooms and root vegetables, an intense flavor; could be used to describe a gravy, easy to cut …
ancient greeks often ate breakfast consisting of bread dipped in _ , _ was the main source of protein for ancient greeks, greek cuisine heavily …
a food group that contains the carbohydrate sucrose, a food group that contains carbohydrate, made from milk and contains carbohydrate, a root …
rubbing fat and flour together using a pastry blender or two knives, to beat rapidly to incorporate air and increase volume, making it thick and …
unoxidized and steamed leaves, fully oxidized leaves, partially oxidized leaves, minimally processed young leaves, fermented and aged tea, powdered …