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Food & Drinks Crossword Puzzles
Free printable food & drinks crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
to put something together with something else so as to increase the size, number, amount, etc, to make something very cold, to make a liquid or other …
what mixer is the most common in baking?, what is the basic unit of weight, what acts as food for yeast?, french term for "put in place", …
if food is uncooked, it is probably this, when you eat foods from all the food groups you are eating this type of meal, we should drink plenty of …
to use your teeth to eat something, to take small bites, to quickly swallow a lot of food or drink, to give someone or an animal food, describes food …
any of the foods or substances that are combined to make a particular dish, the process of quickly and forcefully mixing ingredients, a chicken gives …
a pizza that only has cheese, the different things we put on a pizza, the place a pizza is cooked, the bottom of a pizza, cheesy circle food, a piece …
which type of bacteria are anaerobic?, in eutrophication, aquatic animals die due to lack of what?, nitrogen fixing bacteria convert nitrogen gas into …
the complicated truth here is that most nuts are actually _ because they generally open on their own & leave the shell. the term “nut” implies …
jam made from oranges, lemons, etc, eaten on bread, especially at breakfast, two slices of bread, often spread with butter, with a layer of meat, …
type of dough that contains many layers of fat sandwhiched between layers of dough, flaky pie dough is used as a _ crust on a pie, mealy pie crust is …
ancient greeks often ate breakfast consisting of bread dipped in _ , _ was the main source of protein for ancient greeks, greek cuisine heavily …
sweet food that you eat after the main part of a meal, cooked over a fire on a flat frame of metal bars, a frozen sweet food made from cream or milk …
this ingredients provides structure, these are measured by filling cup and then leveling, contains little gluten, contains a lot of gluten, provides …
to cook food in an oven, the body breaks this down and turns into sugar, the short form for australian guide to healthy eating, macro nutrient that …
simmer food on boiling temperature, simmer food in liquid on slow heat, food cooks on high temperature and get tender using hot water vapor, give …
a person who does not eat meat or animal products, a healthy food you can serve in buns with burgers, name of the german city hamburgers come from, …
what to do after combining ingredients, pasta, made from tomatoes, yellow dairy product, how to get water off the noodles, tube style meat, hot dog …
the process of heating coffee beans to develop their flavor and aroma through chemical reactions, this compound, responsible for the bitter taste in …
sucrose heated past the molten point so that it dehydrates and decomposes, bond formed by the condensation of the amino group of one amino acid with …
red with tiny seeds all over and grown on bush, it is white and looks like broccoli, small round looking cabbages that fit inside the palm of your …
what item is not added back into the the grains after is has been milled, what provides protein and energy from carbohydrates, whole grains contain, …
this is a french bread that is generally used as something to eat at breakfast time. it has the shape of a horse shoe that is spread apart, this is a …
fortified wine that's often served as an after-dinner drink, french brandy that's made from grapes, clear spirit that serves as the base of a classic …
a person who only eats vegetables is a _ , chicken fried in deep oil is this, a word to describe food that looks like it will taste very good, a meal …
better source of fiber and nutrients than white, can be grated right on salads, 7 grams of fiber versus fresh grapes with 1 gram of fiber, amount (%) …
something whit that we get from grain, to let the cup cake get cold, what they call cup cakes in australia, something sweet you put in the batter, to …
formed by the coagulation of milk and is produced in a wide range of flavors, a product that is commonly known as nation's most nearly perfect food, a …
this should be placed at the top left of the charger, this should be placed to the left of the charger, this should be placed on the left side of the …
used for making flour, used for making soups, used for making granola, makes up 13% of the cereal grain, the most nutritious part of the grain, makes …
one of 20 kinds of organic compounds that are linked chemically to one another, forming proteins, a nutrient that is needed by the body in small …