Food Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: spicy: foods from india usually taste very hot and _ , well balanced: when you eat foods from all the food groups you are eating this type of meal, disgusting: food that looks and tastes awful is this, homemade: a meal made from scratch, boiled: food that is cooked in hot water is _ , raw: if food is uncooked it is probably this, meat eater: if you are not a vegetarian you are probably a _ , vegetarian: a person who only eats vegetables is a _ , deep fried: chicken fried in deep oil is this, delicious: a word to describe food that looks like it will taste very good, junk food: food with empty calories is usually called _ , strong: onions flavor is sometimes described as very _ , unhealthy: sweets are considered very _ for your body, under cooked: this is when food is not cooked enough, processed: food that is not organic is probably this, overcooked: burnt food is this.