Food Sources of Lipids Crossword Puzzle

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Food Sources of Lipids Crossword Puzzle

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  • plant based oil : a natural oil extracted from plants
  • nuts : include almonds, walnuts, and cashews, among others
  • seeds : small, hard grains that can grow into plants when nurtured
  • fish : a creature that lives in water and has fins and gills
  • processed foods : these are often packaged and may contain added preservatives, sugars, or artificial ingredients
  • fried foods : foods that are cooked by submerging them in hot oil or fat
  • meat : examples include beef, chicken, pork, and lamb
  • fast food : quickly prepared meals often served at restaurants such as burgers, fries, pizza
  • dairy products : foods made from the milk of cows, goats; milk, cheese and butter