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Food & Drinks Crossword Puzzles
Free printable food & drinks crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
the word coffee originates from this language, we can thank the italians for this coffee style and coffee word, americans in the southern states drink …
cook in an oven, cut into small pieces, cook in water at high temperature, mix ingredients with a circular motion, cut into thin pieces, cook in hot …
common base of soups, french for "broth", source for gelatin within a soup, made from clarified rich broth, used to clarify consomme, …
porridge is made with this, flour is made from this, many cuisines use this eg in risottos or pilaf, grown at high altitudes in the andes, the central …
what all wines contain in different percent proof, the most popular light bodied red wine savored each november in france, you need a good one when …
a thick and hearty soup usually made with cream, meat, potatoes, cabbage and other vegetables simmered in it, a combination of mashed potatoes and …
jam made from oranges, lemons, etc, eaten on bread, especially at breakfast, two slices of bread, often spread with butter, with a layer of meat, …
soft and sticky, not having a strong taste or character or not showing any interest or energy, very wet from having absorbed liquid, containing salt, …
to cut into smaller pieces, to cut food into small square pieces, to thoroughly mix together soft or liquid substances to form a single smooth …
a large tropical fruit with a rough orange or brown skin and pointed leaves on top, a large, round, white vegetable that is eaten cooked or uncooked, …
a large tropical fruit with a rough orange or brown skin and pointed leaves on top, a large, round, white vegetable that is eaten cooked or uncooked, …
fried pork meat, black drink that gives energy, meat in a tube, hot water infused with leaves, animal that lives in water, white grain eaten many …
it keeps your food cold, you bake in the _ , used to eat your food with, what you drink out of?, what you use to sweep the floor, what do you wash the …
this fruit is often associated with the saying "an _ a day keeps the doctor away.", this fruit is known for its yellow color and curved …
common bread grain, these foods grow in shells in trees, bass, flounder, cod, etc, may include wheezing, hives, swelling, which came first? the …
battered fish rings, they can be pitted or stuffed with anchovies, it is the piece of meat, generally pork, minced, seasoned and introduced into the …
practices that ensure cleanliness and prevent contamination in food handling, milk-based products, such as cheese and yogurt, a good source of …
menu item that must be purchased with 4 pieces minimum, dessert item made with soft serve ice cream and usually topped with oreos or m&m's, two …
a sweet, creamy topping for cakes, a sweet white powder used in baking, a sweet baked dessert, to cook food in an oven, to combine ingredients …
what to do after combining ingredients, pasta, made from tomatoes, yellow dairy product, how to get water off the noodles, tube style meat, hot dog …
a popular sandwich with a patty, often served with cheese and lettuce, crispy, deep-fried potato sticks often served with ketchup, a baked dish with a …
pastry originates from where?, song _ were a delicacy used in pies, pastries can be sweet or _ , pies with meet and vegetables are known as?, cookie …
what can stock be used for, what do you use to thicken a soup, what is a cold emulsion sauce, what stock cooks for 20 minutes, what can you use to …
cooking food in deep boiling liquid (not oil), browning food in fat then cooked with liquid in covered pan. starts with b, frying in a little oil in …
a rack where plates are placed to drain after being washed, a long-handled spoon with a cup shaped bowl used for serving, a tool used to tenderize …
a resting period early in the mixing procedure of yeast doughs during which the flour fully absorbs the water, an enzyme in flour that breaks down …
a red berry with a sweet taste, a red fruit in a triangle shape with seeds, a blue fruit which is a superfood and a berry, a red berry with a very …
something whit that we get from grain, to let the cup cake get cold, what they call cup cakes in australia, something sweet you put in the batter, to …
food without meat and fish, time when you eat food, chinese, russian or american food (sushi, burger, blini), food is cooked with fire, unique food or …
transparent gel that can be tinted any color for decorating or writing, the container that hold your decorating tip and decorating icing, concentrated …