Food (Vitamins and Minerals) Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: nitrogen: the 7th element on the periodic table, balanced diet: vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fibres, protein and healthy fats make this, vitamin c: in foods such as oranges and strawberries, vitamin a: a lack of this can cause your vision to be less sharp in dim light conditions, cells in the retina (rods) also won't function properly, joule: the si unit of work or energy, fibre: a lack of this can cause constipation, lipid: also known as fat, iron: needed to make hemoglobin (found in red meat), carbohydrate: a food group (found in bread and pasta), calorie: a unit of energy that originated from the caloric theory of heat, carbon: a black solid which has the highest melting/sublimation point of all the elements, minerals: elements needed by the body and gained from food but are not present in carbohydrates, lipids or proteins, energy: the strength required for physical/mental activity, protein: organic substance made of chains of amino acids, water: inorganic compound made of hydrogen and oxygen (essential for all life forms), scurvy: a disorder caused by a lack of vitamin c, rickets: this disorder causes your skeleton to not develop properly and for your bones to become deformed and fragile, vitamin d: found in oily fish and egg yokes