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Food & Drinks Crossword Puzzles
Free printable food & drinks crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
the word coffee originates from this language, we can thank the italians for this coffee style and coffee word, americans in the southern states drink …
sweet food that you eat after the main part of a meal, cooked over a fire on a flat frame of metal bars, a frozen sweet food made from cream or milk …
a person who does not consume any animal products, including meat, dairy, eggs, and honey, essential macronutrients that provide energy for the body, …
they were originally round and fat, a popular british pudding, one of britain's most famous meals, they date all the way back to the 19th century and …
pumpkins are grown on every continent except _ , pumpkins have on average 500 _ in them, pumpkin seeds are high in the mineral _ , pumpkins are a …
hot drink made from cocoa bean powder, bread dipped in egg mixture and fried in a pan, the white part of the egg, used for elegance and fat, has 3.25% …
look for packaged food that is _ in dietary fiber, vitamin d, calcium, and potassium, look for packaged food that is _ in saturated fat, sodium, and …
a person who only eats vegetables is a _ , chicken fried in deep oil is this, a word to describe food that looks like it will taste very good, a meal …
a sweet, creamy topping for cakes, a sweet white powder used in baking, a sweet baked dessert, to cook food in an oven, to combine ingredients …
a round fruit with red, green, or yellow skin and a sweet taste, a common food made from flour and water, baked in loaves, poultry meat often cooked …
a north indian twisted noodle like sweet dish dipped in sugary syrup, rice or wheat pudding made by boiling milk and sugar with vermicelli, sweet …
something whit that we get from grain, to let the cup cake get cold, what they call cup cakes in australia, something sweet you put in the batter, to …
red with tiny seeds all over and grown on bush, it is white and looks like broccoli, small round looking cabbages that fit inside the palm of your …
the day of the week pancake day is on, a drink that normally comes from cows, a chocolate spread that people like on their pancakes, a period of time …
an action that you do to most of the vegetables in an omelette, the part of the cooker omelettes are cooked on, the name of a spanish omelette, a …
a mineral found in the yolk, a scientific word that shows that egg can bring oil and water together, the link between the yolk and the shell, a two …
to restore foods to their normal state by adding water, to make a mixture smooth by adding air using a brisk stirring or whipping motion with a spoon …
combine ingredients together, to aerate flour through small holes, common baby food form, first process of cooking steak, method to cook a hot sunday …
the word coffee originates from this language, where was the world's largest cup of coffee made?, has a green logo, "the best part of waking up …
formed by the coagulation of milk and is produced in a wide range of flavors, textures and forms. it is packaged and sold under highly recognized …
to cook the fat out of meat using a low heat. strain any solid chunks from the fat before you store, to make shallow cuts into the surface of foods …
one of 20 kinds of organic compounds that are linked chemically to one another, forming proteins, a nutrient that is needed by the body in small …
an evening meal, cubes added to a gin and tonic, an orange vegetable, a ukrainian green soup, a sauce used a lot in chinese dishes, when you chop this …
a cool and tasty sweet treat that comes in various flavors, sweet, colorful, and delicious little treats, fluffy and crunchy beach snack made of corn, …
if food is uncooked, it is probably this, when you eat foods from all the food groups you are eating this type of meal, we should drink plenty of …
used to help the dough rise, the temperature of the milk, type of sugar used, gives the buns their trademark glossy sweetness, a spice made from the …
melted to easily blend into fillings and batters, can be molded, this ingredient make the texture seem thicker and improve the whipping qualities, …
foods from india usually taste very hot and _ , when you eat foods from all the food groups you are eating this type of meal, food that looks and …
eating beans will help in trying to lose this, a type of bean that comes in two variety, beans help to reduce this type of cancer, beans can be added …
sat used in france that is collected when seawater is trapped in salt marshes and the water evaporates from the sun and the wind, herb mixture that …