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Food & Drinks Crossword Puzzles
Free printable food & drinks crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
sat used in france that is collected when seawater is trapped in salt marshes and the water evaporates from the sun and the wind, herb mixture that …
to cook food in an oven, the body breaks this down and turns into sugar, the short form for australian guide to healthy eating, macro nutrient that …
an evening meal, cubes added to a gin and tonic, an orange vegetable, a ukrainian green soup, a sauce used a lot in chinese dishes, when you chop this …
characteristic or quality of something, something able to flow like water, to mix a solid into a liquid, the state of being hard, right for some …
the _ control program is designed to prevent the ingress of insects, mice and birds into a facility, retail products are not allowed to be sold when …
also called vegetable strainer, used to grate, slice, and shred. often used for cheese, made of rubber or silicone. used to scrape the food from the …
a bread mixture to put inside the turkey, sauce for meat and potatoes, yellow spread for bread, a long green vegetable that we cook, a sweet yellow …
one of 20 kinds of organic compounds that are linked chemically to one another, forming proteins, a nutrient that is needed by the body in small …
to soak a food in a liquid to tenderize or flavor, to cut into very small pieces, cut into small cubes, cook at medium or high heat until the surface …
cutting back on this type of carbohydrate can help with weight management and decrease risk for type ii diabetes. , portion control is essential to …
used for short-term storage under low temperature wherein it slows down the activity of bacteria and enzymes, for long-term preservation wherein, food …
how many seasons are there?, a winter vegetable popular at christmas, a red summer fruit popular at wimbledon, the main ingredient in a summer salad, …
veal, chicken or fish stock, stock reduction, a liquid semisolid product that is used in preparing other foods, stock and tomatoes, emulsion made from …
buttercream, meat that ferments, the slowest dinner ever, modified food, kids favorite desert, only caught in water, sourest candy, food as god …
to put something together with something else so as to increase the size, number, amount, etc, to make something very cold, to make a liquid or other …
any of the foods or substances that are combined to make a particular dish, the process of quickly and forcefully mixing ingredients, a chicken gives …
this is a french bread that is generally used as something to eat at breakfast time. it has the shape of a horse shoe that is spread apart, this is a …
a method of cooking by dry heat without direct exposure to a flame, uses dry heat where hot air covers the food cooking it evenly on all sides from an …
this ingredients provides structure, these are measured by filling cup and then leveling, contains little gluten, contains a lot of gluten, provides …
the complicated truth here is that most nuts are actually _ because they generally open on their own & leave the shell. the term “nut” implies …
the primary ingredient in pesto sauce, a hard, aged cheese often grated over pasta dishes, key ingredient in a caprese salad, primary fruit used to …
cooking food in boiling water or other liquid ingredients, to cook food by direct heat, such as over fire or hot coals or under a grill, to cook food …
a cool and tasty sweet treat that comes in various flavors, sweet, colorful, and delicious little treats, fluffy and crunchy beach snack made of corn, …
small, bean-shaped candy, chewing gum, hard crystallized sugar, hard candy, soft, fluffy confection, sweet treat made from cocoa, chewy candy with a …
to cut meat through the middle without completely separating the halves and then spread the halves evenly. this technique makes stuffing easier and …
what term describes the expansion of dough as yeast produces carbon dioxide gas?, this protein in wheat flour plays a crucial role in bread dough's …
i am the national dish of scotland, i am like crepes but i'm thick and fluffy, i am greasy and fishy. i can be found as street food in the streets of …
smooth red wine, popular white wine, full-bodied red wine, crisp white wine, light red wine, sweet or dry white wine, spicy red wine, bold red wine, …
done to incorporate air in a mixture by mechanical agitation. wire whisk, fork and egg beater is used in mixing, rubbing one or two ingredients in a …
hand-formed sushi with a slice of fish on top, thinly sliced raw fish, no rice, rolled sushi wrapped in seaweed, cone-shaped sushi roll, sushi roll …