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History Crossword Puzzles
Free printable history crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
the scientific study of development across a lifespan, study of how biology influences behavior, understanding the conscious experience through …
the entrance to an amphitheatre or circus, the man who built rome's first theatre, worn by greek and roman actors, the muse of tragic theatre, a …
a government where the power is held by elected officials, the rebirth movement in europe after the plague, roads, bridges, aqueducts, the lower class …
the system in which european powers sent their own citizens to govern and rule over colonies, colonial ruler who promoted imperial expansion for …
the capital city, known for its cultural and political achievements, a prominent city-state known for its military prowess and discipline, the study …
the code knights followed that stated they should be brave and loyal, the little ice age led to a decline in food production, which caused extreme …
miners mostly used _ , _ was a very common injury for miners, _ trains hauled the coal, primarily mining for _ , children often did more _ jobs, major …
a religion based on the teachings of jesus christ (11 letters), he capital city of the byzantine empire that fell in 1453 (13 letters), the complete …
this means something that is related to glaciers—huge masses of ice that move slowly over land, shaping the earth, these are things that talk about …
a large group of states or countries under a single authority, a realm ruled by a king or queen, a succession of rulers from the same family, the act …
a nation that helped the babylonians defeat assyrians, were a tribe of shepherds, the great king of persia that ruled an empire from asia minor to the …
the movement of the tectonic plates, movement of continents and their effect on the distribution of living organisms, (66 million years ago - …
battle won by alfred of wessex in 878, a massacre against the danes in 1002, name given to henry ii's family, another name given to henry ii's family, …
this model of evolutionary change involves slow changes over long periods of time, this model of evolutionary change involves intermittent short …
a person traveling from one place to another in search of animals to hunt, fish to catch, and fruit and nuts to collect, to move from on place to …
used copper as early as 5000 b.c.e, babylonia, working the ground, planting seeds, and growing edible plants, a small stone tool that is used for …
greek word meaning "stone" or "rock", also called the the chalcolithic period, last of the metal ages. the age that never ended, …
a visual art on the cave walls, before they learned to talk, early people made _ , what did early humans hunt?, first stage of the human civilization, …
what did early humas use as shelter?, who created burial practices during the paleolithic age?, produced by hitting rocks, pebbles or cobbles …
bloodiest day of the civil war, lead union general, lead confederate general, most famous civil war battle, battle that essentially ended any chance …
before written history, people who study and write about the historical past, people who study the origins and development of people and their …
the set of beliefs, behaviors, and traits shared by a group of people, a person's rank compared to others, a person who lives by gathering food, …
a large flow of water that rises and spreads over the land, the study of the sun, stars and planes, a community of people with shared laws and …
to support and empower indigenous people, the number of people who are able to read and write, benefits mainly provided by the state to improve the …
one of the middle colonies, this colony was settled by the dutch at the same time as new york, this colony split from another in 1712. it depended on …
this has a half life of 5,730 years, darwin's hypothesis for bipedalism, the study of human fossil remains, material clues that are left behind, the …
ruler of china until the last one was forced to abdicate in 1912, spanish (full name) killed 50 million people, the ban on alcohol in brought by the …
the belief in many gods, a member of a people or tribe that has no permanent home but moves from place to place, usually seasonally, following a …
university that gave crowther an honorary doctorate, one of the four reasons for european colonization of africa, system of transportation and …
a cultural icon used to represent the women who worked during wwii, the difference in pay between men and women, a branch of the us military dedicated …