History Crossword Puzzles

Free printable history crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.

Showing 361-390 of 484 records

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The Renaissance in Europe crossword puzzle
The Renaissance in Europe

the german johannes ********* invented the world's first movable type (printing press) in the 1440s, northern european artists tended to make ******* …

Legend of Perseus crossword puzzle
Legend of Perseus

perseus and hermes ask this titan for help in finding medusa, king acrisius put danae and her son in a chest and put them out to _ , polydectes, the …

Egyptian Pyramids crossword puzzle
Egyptian Pyramids

the pyramid of khafre is the _ tallest pyramid at giza and contains pharaoh khafre’s tomb, a unique feature built inside khafre’s pyramid complex …

Myth & Religion in Rome crossword puzzle
Myth & Religion in Rome

household shrine to worship household gods called the lares, object created from achelous' horn after he lost a fight to hercules, centaur who tried …

Irish History : The Troubles crossword puzzle
Irish History : The Troubles

king henry ii made himself _ of ireland by 1175, king henry ii enforced _ rules on the irish, in 1921 the _ -irish border treaty divided ireland, …

Adaptations in Evolution crossword puzzle
Adaptations in Evolution

a characteristic that occurred, and natural selection favoured it, an adaptation that served a purpose for an ancestor, but not anymore, visible …

Rome Becomes And Empire crossword puzzle
Rome Becomes And Empire

the roman economy was united by this, a period of peace in rome that lasted for 200 years, the greatest speaker in roman history who opposed caesar, …

Classical Greece crossword puzzle
Classical Greece

a poisonous drink made from a plant, from the latin word tributum, contribution, another word for armistice, the opposite of "no", plans and …

Years of Growth crossword puzzle
Years of Growth

the period of rapid industrial and technological development, the symbolic entrance point for immigrants to the united states, people who create new …

Ancient Greek Religion and Prophecy crossword puzzle
Ancient Greek Religion and Prophecy

a believer in the transmigration of souls, ferryman who demands a coin for passage, blissful paradise of the afterlife, transcendent state of mind …

Latin American and French Revolution crossword puzzle
Latin American and French Revolution

bankrupted the french government with costly wars and greed, used to perform executions of criminals, members of french society that paid all of the …

Greek Words crossword puzzle
Greek Words

legendary musician, poet, and prophet in ancient greek religion and myth, god who married his sister, and cheated on her, god and personification of …

Words of Greek Origin crossword puzzle
Words of Greek Origin

any of various animals including spiders, scorpions, mites and ticks, taunting or caustic and usually ironic remarks, the father and head of a family …

The Lost City of the Incas crossword puzzle
The Lost City of the Incas

corn is also called .., a ... is the religious leader of a group of people, the word jerky came from the inca word for ... meat, ... were build to …

Inca Civilization crossword puzzle
Inca Civilization

an extensive group of states or countries under a single ruler, the study of earth’s surface and climate, and of human activity, and of the …

Down to Egypt crossword puzzle
Down to Egypt

had the body of a man and the head of a falcon, used to make boats, baskets, boxes, mats, sandals, area in the south extended to the first cataract, …

Mesopotamia Civilization crossword puzzle
Mesopotamia Civilization

land that contained minerals which would make crops grow, the highpoint of the mesopotamia society.., a king who looked for eternal life (a poem was …

Golden Age of Greece crossword puzzle
Golden Age of Greece

father of geometry, discovered physics, truth through questions, the most ornate type of greek column, father of medicine, known as father of tragedy, …

The Study of Life crossword puzzle
The Study of Life

process that keeps conditions inside the bodies of all organisms stable, an explanation of a natural phenomenon supported by many observations and …

Tudor Exploration crossword puzzle
Tudor Exploration

columbus arrived here in 1492, name of the italian navigator, golden era of exploration, monarch not interested in discovering new lands or routes, …

Evolution of Man - Vocabulary crossword puzzle
Evolution of Man - Vocabulary

early humans who collected plants and food from the environment, early clothing made from animal skin and hide, the capacity which allowed early …

The Reign of Akbar crossword puzzle
The Reign of Akbar

akbar's father's most trusted general, adil shah's general, the battle that brought mewar under the control of mughals, finance minister, officer who …

Egyptian Pharaohs crossword puzzle
Egyptian Pharaohs

great _ at giza - largest of the three pyramids at giza; used 2 million stone blocks and included tunnels inside, pharaoh who built the great pyramid …

Industrial Revolution Reforms crossword puzzle
Industrial Revolution Reforms

author of the communist manifesto, when people stop working to make a point, means “hands off” in french. capitalists wanted the government to be …

The Battle of France crossword puzzle
The Battle of France

the _ war was fought between soviet russia and finland, it was the nazi _ who defied orders and kept wreaking havoc behind enemy lines, the puppet …

Mexican Independence & Empresarios crossword puzzle
Mexican Independence & Empresarios

most people wanted texas to be part of the, settlers had to this with the mexican government, who helped stephen f austin, first anglo empresario in …

Hanging Gardens of Babylon crossword puzzle
Hanging Gardens of Babylon

ancient city where the hanging gardens were located, king who allegedly built the hanging gardens for his wife, this ancient greek historian wrote …

Ancient Greek and Arab Medicine crossword puzzle
Ancient Greek and Arab Medicine

humor of blood, greeks used to draw out excess blood and bring down temperatures, humor of water, brain, and rationality, ultimate source of arab …

Class Divisions in the 1920s crossword puzzle
Class Divisions in the 1920s

the name given to the new, independent movement of younger women, what boomed after ww1, result of inflation and pay decreases, authority figure and …

Italy in the 1300s crossword puzzle
Italy in the 1300s

an italian who became a government official for the great kublai khan, one of the busiest trade cities in italy in the 1300s, his family traveled the …