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History Crossword Puzzles
Free printable history crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
author of the communist manifesto, when people stop working to make a point, means “hands off” in french. capitalists wanted the government to be …
the _ war was fought between soviet russia and finland, it was the nazi _ who defied orders and kept wreaking havoc behind enemy lines, the puppet …
galileo's last name, galileo established the "principle of _ .", improved the _ which allowed him to prove his theories the heliocentrism to …
most people wanted texas to be part of the, settlers had to this with the mexican government, who helped stephen f austin, first anglo empresario in …
introduce bills abd resolutions , offer amendments and serve on committies , a form of government in which power is in the hands of representatives …
ancient city where the hanging gardens were located, king who allegedly built the hanging gardens for his wife, this ancient greek historian wrote …
what is the time period between the birth of one generation and the birth of the next in a family or species?, what is the process of gradual change …
humor of blood, greeks used to draw out excess blood and bring down temperatures, humor of water, brain, and rationality, ultimate source of arab …
the name given to the new, independent movement of younger women, what boomed after ww1, result of inflation and pay decreases, authority figure and …
an italian who became a government official for the great kublai khan, one of the busiest trade cities in italy in the 1300s, his family traveled the …
financed karl marx's seminal work, the congress of _ restored the french monarchy, obtains independence from the ottoman empire in 1830, controlled …
the treaty of _ ended the war of 1812, the country at odds with the u.s. during the war of 1812, political party of alexander hamilton, the battle of …
one of her symbols was the, her father was, how many powers did she have, a seller of goods, her twin brothers name was, a temple was built in her …
built the great pyramid of giza, said to have commissioned the first stone pyramid in egypt, name given to a pyramid built by amenemhat iii at …
the successor of mangas coloradas who led a war against the us and mexico, the event that began cochise's war (2 words), the chiricahua chief who led …
egyptian queen who allied with mark antony, famous general who was a member of first triumvirate. killed by senate in 44 b.c, member of second …
the male ruler of an independent state, especially one who inherits the position by right of birth, capital and largest city of greece, a series of …
people born in spain and are of high social status, spanish people born in latin america, biracial people with one european and one indian parent, …
both enslaved and free african americans had no _ voice or power in the 1800s, a government in which power is shared between the national government …
what war did napoleon force austria and russia to surrender in?, the war at which the british fleet led by admiral horatio nelson destroyed the french …
moderate faction of russian communists, friend and advisor to the czar who said he was a healer, restriction of what people can say, second leader of …
temporary ruler, brother to artemis, god of war, constantinople was the capital of this part of rome, capital of western roman empire, poem which …
exchange goods without using money, christian holy people, pictures made from many bits of colored glass or stone, a general who became emperor in a.d …
napoleon's army was far from their _ , where did napoleon arrived on _ september 14,1812 when the city was deserted, the russians _ and burned food …
antony was phenomenal military _ , the year war against cleopatra was declared, gave caesar's funeral _ , lost the battle of actium as he was an …
he ruled after the female pharaoh, creating a vast empire; probably the pharaoh of the oppression of the jews, weapon the knight uses to defend …
this person's rise to power was a contributing factor to world war ii, hitler was born in this country, this treaty gave germany a reason to be angry. …
the male representation of the united kingdom, this was limited to 100 000 men, is the term given to forced military service, the leader of germany …
the last active ruler of the ptolemaic kingdom of egypt, albert einstein, a physicist known for developing the theory of relativity, napoleon …
the scientific study of development across a lifespan, study of how biology influences behavior, understanding the conscious experience through …