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History Crossword Puzzles
Free printable history crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
ancient name of japanese capital, northern invaders who drove the song south, buddhism exported to japan & korea, chinese trade ship that …
a believer in the transmigration of souls, ferryman who demands a coin for passage, blissful paradise of the afterlife, transcendent state of mind …
bankrupted the french government with costly wars and greed, used to perform executions of criminals, members of french society that paid all of the …
legendary musician, poet, and prophet in ancient greek religion and myth, god who married his sister, and cheated on her, god and personification of …
any of various animals including spiders, scorpions, mites and ticks, taunting or caustic and usually ironic remarks, the father and head of a family …
corn is also called .., a ... is the religious leader of a group of people, the word jerky came from the inca word for ... meat, ... were build to …
_ warfare are sneak attacks, instead of meeting your enemy at a battle field, giving support and never giving up, colonists who wanted to remain as …
an extensive group of states or countries under a single ruler, the study of earth’s surface and climate, and of human activity, and of the …
had the body of a man and the head of a falcon, used to make boats, baskets, boxes, mats, sandals, area in the south extended to the first cataract, …
the pharaoh who commissioned the great pyramid, the location of the great pyramid in egypt, the number of air shafts in the great pyramid, a room …
land that contained minerals which would make crops grow, the highpoint of the mesopotamia society.., a king who looked for eternal life (a poem was …
father of geometry, discovered physics, truth through questions, the most ornate type of greek column, father of medicine, known as father of tragedy, …
process that keeps conditions inside the bodies of all organisms stable, an explanation of a natural phenomenon supported by many observations and …
columbus arrived here in 1492, name of the italian navigator, golden era of exploration, monarch not interested in discovering new lands or routes, …
early humans who collected plants and food from the environment, early clothing made from animal skin and hide, the capacity which allowed early …
akbar's father's most trusted general, adil shah's general, the battle that brought mewar under the control of mughals, finance minister, officer who …
great _ at giza - largest of the three pyramids at giza; used 2 million stone blocks and included tunnels inside, pharaoh who built the great pyramid …
author of the communist manifesto, when people stop working to make a point, means “hands off” in french. capitalists wanted the government to be …
the _ war was fought between soviet russia and finland, it was the nazi _ who defied orders and kept wreaking havoc behind enemy lines, the puppet …
galileo's last name, galileo established the "principle of _ .", improved the _ which allowed him to prove his theories the heliocentrism to …
most people wanted texas to be part of the, settlers had to this with the mexican government, who helped stephen f austin, first anglo empresario in …
introduce bills abd resolutions , offer amendments and serve on committies , a form of government in which power is in the hands of representatives …
ancient city where the hanging gardens were located, king who allegedly built the hanging gardens for his wife, this ancient greek historian wrote …
nanjing becomes the capital of this kingdom by the society of god worshippers in 1853, reestablishment of this society attempted to blend chinese …
a person who copies out documents, the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement, the later part of the stone age, the study of …
a section of central italy governed by the pope, _ code was a comprehensive and uniform system of laws established for france by napoleon, battle of _ …
what is the time period between the birth of one generation and the birth of the next in a family or species?, what is the process of gradual change …
humor of blood, greeks used to draw out excess blood and bring down temperatures, humor of water, brain, and rationality, ultimate source of arab …
the name given to the new, independent movement of younger women, what boomed after ww1, result of inflation and pay decreases, authority figure and …
an italian who became a government official for the great kublai khan, one of the busiest trade cities in italy in the 1300s, his family traveled the …