Famous Speeches Crossword Puzzle

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  • gettysburg address: lincoln's famous speech
  • i have a dream: king's iconic speech
  • iron curtain: churchill's speech about europe
  • inaugural address: kennedy's call to action
  • farewell address: washington's parting words
  • we shall fight: churchill's wartime speech
  • tear down this wall: reagan's berlin challenge
  • pearl harbor: roosevelt's speech about infamy
  • checkers speech: nixon's defense of his finances
  • house divided: lincoln's speech on national unity
  • four freedoms: roosevelt's goals for the future
  • tryst with destiny: nehru's indian independence speech
  • blood, toil, tears: churchill's commitment to victory
  • yes we can: obama's campaign slogan
  • ain't i a woman?: truth's speech on gender equality
  • the man in the arena: roosevelt's praise of effort
  • city upon a hill: winthrop's vision for america
  • the ballot or the bullet: malcolm x's call for civil rights
  • women's rights: stanton's seneca falls speech
  • duty, honor, country: macarthur's farewell to west point