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History Crossword Puzzles
Free printable history crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
opened in munich -march 1933, hitler ordered the _ ? _ of jewish businesses, created in 1948 for the safety of the jews, it was hitler's final _ ? _ , …
evil, unjust acts, to control, federal government; central government, legally make something ineffective, new idea or invention, region of the north …
invented the traffic light and gas mask, invented cosmetics for african-american women, george washington _ - discovered over 300 different uses for …
in nazi germany, people with disabilities or mental handicaps were _ , the _ -ribbentrop pact was a non-aggression pact signed between the nazis and …
came into power in germany and lasted until 1945, building up of a country's armed forces, getting rid of something, money became extremely inflated, …
a town that grew fast as a result of mining, deposit of sand mixed with gold near the surface, someone who explores an area for mineral deposits, the …
first person to refuse to give up her seat, first woman and first african american woman to hold rank of 4 star admiral, first african american heavy …
louis' own .......... voted in favor to have him executed, marie ant. was ............. by her people, also found in the bastille, over 18,000 people …
provide only meals some unemployed americans had, when a bank run begins at one bank and spreads to others causing people to lose confidence in banks, …
a powerful empire that spanned over 600 years (1299-1922), controlling parts of europe, asia, and africa, founder of the ottoman empire and leader of …
what method that was introduced in 1915 had a big impact on schools during the progressive era?, what's one major thing that is still a huge part of …
the lower house of the parliament, the english law-making body, is known as the house of _ , the location where the sons of liberty dropped tea in the …
the name of the mansa who founded the empire, the part (compass point) of africa the mali empire was found, the name given to malian …
people began to have a feeling of this over nature and such because of the accomplishment made in transportation, iron that was produced with the …
a description of life during the 1800's and early 1900's; looks great on the outside but is rotten on the inside, an industrialist who exploited the …
modern day technology used to do work, a worker in a skilled trade, especially one that involves making things by hand, job in neolithic time that …
a group of 6000 men in the roman army, a class of rich people in the roman empire, latin for 'slave', death by being tied or nailed to a cross, the …
last king of judah before taken into babylonian captivity (2 kings 24-25), son of solomon, kingdom split during his rule (1 kings 11-14), son of …
won the alamo, english word for alamo, picket and thatch huts, commander of the alamo, the battle cry, president during the alamo, flag flown over the …
a 1765 law requiring colonists to pay taxes on every piece of paper used, a decree limiting colonial expansion west of the appalachian mountains, …
first president of the roaring twenties era, serving from 1921 until his assassination in 1923, book written by f. scott fitzgerald, an influential …
a period of increased stock trading or the rising of stock prices, the ban on the manufacture, sale, and transportation of liquor any where in the …
cyrus ii conquered the chaldean and the _ empires, darius kept the empire connected by building and maintaining a _ system, to govern the whole …
first battle of the civil war,, president of the united states,, president of the confederate states,, amendment that abolished slavery,, bureau that …
founded by james oglethorpe and was set aside strictly for military use, this colony was founded in 1634 by lord baltimore, founded in 1681 by william …
leader of the us navy, he developed a modern fleet capable of protecting america business shipping interests around the world, the policy in which …
this philosopher believed in the ideal of "natural rights", the philosopher who stated "i think, therefore, i am", the united …
dr. kind worked for _ ? (2 words), what month do we celebrate martin luther kind day?, city where dr. king was assassinated?, age dr. king was …
front, front, german u-boats, germany lost its _ in africa and asia, agreement to stop shooting, luxury cruise liner sunk by german u-boats, this …
the etruscan's were excellent, the book, the "republic" was written by him, greek queen of egypt, the greeks added vowels to this alphabet, …