Earth's History Crossword Puzzle

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Earths History Crossword Puzzle

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  • extrusion : igneous rock that has formed from lava
  • meteorite : passes through the earth's atmosphere and strikes the ground
  • mass extinction : widespread and rapid decrease in biodiversity
  • eon : a very long period of time
  • superposition : this law states that the oldest layer is at the base of the rock and the layers get younger as you ascend
  • catastrophic event : very harmful or disastrous that results in substantial damage
  • geologic time : used by scientists to describe the timing and relationships of events in geologic history
  • strata : sedimentary rock's layers
  • ice age : a long period in the reduction of temperature indicated by the expansion of ice sheets and glaciers
  • intrusion : igneous rock that has crystallized from molten magma
  • younger : cross-cutting principle states that the geologic feature which cuts another is the _ of the two features.
  • absolute : the type of age that can be plotted on a calendar.
  • periods : a subdivision of geological time to show when a rock originated
  • relative : the type of age where the age of a rock is determined by comparing whether it is younger than other material around it.
  • index fissile : useful for dating the strata where it is found
  • coal beds : a layer (stratum) of mineral coal
  • unconformity : surface contact between two groups of strata
  • stromatolites : a calcium mound where lime-secreting bacteria are trapped and contain some of the earliest known fossils
  • photosynthesis : the process how some organisms make food from sunlight to create oxygen as a byproduct
  • outcrop : a rock formation that is visible on the surface