The Roaring 20's & The Great Depression Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: consumer goods : products intended for personal use by consumers, such as cars, refrigerators, and vacuum cleaners, credit : an arrangement in which the consumer buys something now with borrowed money and pays off the loan over time, great migration : beginning during world war i, the movement of millions of african americans from the rural south to cities in the north and midwest in order to take jobs in industry, harlem renaissance : a period of creativity among african american artists, writers, and musicians centered in harlem during the 1920s, red scare : lasting from 1919 to 1920, a campaign launched by the federal government to arrest communists and other radicals who promoted the overthrow of the u.s. government, depression : a period when economic activity decreases and many people do not have jobs, new deal : the set of programs adopted under the roosevelt administration to combat the great depression of the 1930s, pension : a sum of money paid to a retired person, usually on a monthly basis, kukluxklan : many african americans experienced violence and terror at the hands of these people, president hoover : who said "prosperity is just around the corner"?, women : these people gained the right to vote, smoke, drink and ride in cars.