The Mayas: Economic Organization Crossword Puzzle

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The Mayas: Economic Organization Crossword Puzzle

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  • farmers : most mayans were _ by profession.
  • papaya : this a fruit planted by the maya and enjoyed today in st. marten.
  • underground : mayan store rooms for harvested crops were located _ .
  • reservoirs : these provided water with which the mayas watered their crops.
  • community : mayas farmed the land as one _ .
  • stone : the houses of the mayan farmers were made of _ .
  • taxes : mayan farmers paid a portion of their crops as _ to the priests and nobles.
  • corn : this was the main crop grown by the mayas.
  • avocado : this was planted by the maya and also eaten today in bread and salads.
  • terrace : a type of farming practiced by the mayas was called _ farming.