World War I Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: artillery: large weapons and vehicles used for the first time in world war i, western front: network of trenches that went all the way from belgium to switzerland, world war i: war started by germany against britain and france in europe to gain more territories, triple entente: part of the defense alliance that included: britain, france, ireland and russia, trenches: long narrow ditches where the soldiers lived and fought from during world war i, league of nations: group of countries that came together to help rebuild europe after the war, no mans land: the area between the german and british trenches and was an incredibly dangerous place to be, cavalry: soldiers who fought on horseback, franz ferdinand: archduke of austria who was killed by a serbia group. it was the start of world war i, front line: trenches that were closest to where the fighting was occurring, treaty of versailles: signed june 28, 1919. it was the official end of world war i, mustard gas: one of the first chemical weapons used by the germans in world war i a poisonous gas, battle of somme: july 1916, the deadliest battle of the war between the german and the french/british armies. it took place on both sides of the river somme in france, battle of mons: germany attack france in belgium in august 1914 and would be the reason britain would enter the war, truly starting world war i, zeppelins: large german blimps that would drop bombs onto the british, lusitania: on april 6, 1917, passenger ship sunk by the germans. why america entered world war i, central powers: part of the defense alliance that included: germany and austriahungary, armistice day: celebrated on november 9 when kaiser wilhelm ii stepped down as the emperor of germany, defense alliance: an agreement that if war were to break out, certain countries would come together to protect each other