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History Crossword Puzzles
Free printable history crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
the country that john cabot sailed from, john cabot wanted to travel to asia for his _ business, john cabot wanted to sail here on his first voyage, …
first roman emperor, one of the 5 good emperors, twin brother of romulus, founded christianity, roman upper classes, greatest roman emperor, …
where was he born, what diseases did he have as a kid, roosevelt died at the age of?, what college did he attend, how many wives did theodore …
town in north carolina where, in 1960, activists staged the first 'sit-in' in protest against restaurants, cafes, etc. that refused to serve black …
first person to refuse to give up her seat, first woman and first african american woman to hold rank of 4 star admiral, first african american heavy …
a town that grew fast as a result of mining, deposit of sand mixed with gold near the surface, someone who explores an area for mineral deposits, the …
connected albany and buffalo, forcing people to serve in the navy, one of the possessions that the pioneers most valued, british attack on the …
name of the group of extreme protestants, what word means ruined or destroyed, what is another word for being robbed, who wanted all men to have the …
henry viii's first child, henry viii's fifth wife, _ howard, the religion that henry viii changed england to so he could divorce his first wife, the …
a wealthy landowner with loyalty to a king or queen, priests who worshiped gods in woodlands and encouraged resistance to the roman invasion, the …
how did he feel about what he saw, who is considered as a god on earth, what did earlier pharaohs get buried in, what else divided pharaohs?(2words), …
cyrus ii conquered the chaldean and the _ empires, darius kept the empire connected by building and maintaining a _ system, to govern the whole …
a large building that the king and queen lived in, a contagious disease that killed many people in the middle ages, common punishment for crimes in …
a poem published in new york in 1823 called a visit from st. nicholas was the first time the reindeer were all mentioned by their _ , a visit from st …
something from a long time ago, often relating to history or the past, a society that has developed complex systems of government, culture, and …
alexander wanted to rule all of the _ , alexander was "the great" because of all of his _ , alexander's age when he became ruler of greece, …
belief that spirits inhabit plants, animals, or other natural objects, people who move from place to place in search of food, objects made by humans, …
large weapons and vehicles used for the first time in world war i, network of trenches that went all the way from belgium to switzerland, war started …
16th president of the united states, president one vote short of impeachment, amendment that abolished slavery, readmitting the south into the union, …
came into power in germany and lasted until 1945, building up of a country's armed forces, getting rid of something, money became extremely inflated, …
roman general assassinated on the ides of march, last pharaoh of ancient egypt, french military leader exiled to elba and saint helena, first …
in nazi germany, people with disabilities or mental handicaps were _ , the _ -ribbentrop pact was a non-aggression pact signed between the nazis and …
in 1941, hitler invaded, 57 million, united kingdom, france, ussr, u.s, treaty that ended wwi and failed to keep peace, september 3, great britain and …
was one of the largest empires in the world and the capital of italy, a geographic region located in the south-western part of asia comprising most of …
the lower house of the parliament, the english law-making body, is known as the house of _ , the location where the sons of liberty dropped tea in the …
economic activity concerned with the processing of raw materials and manufacture of goods in factories, the action of making or manufacturing from …
the law that encouraged slave catching, another word for popular sovereignty that applied to the kansas and nebraska territories, the time period in …
evil, unjust acts, to control, federal government; central government, legally make something ineffective, new idea or invention, region of the north …
a facility for holding convicted criminals or those awaiting trial, a professional who practices law, advising clients and representing them in legal …
legend says he wore a raccoon hat, famous texas mission, battle site, know as the writer of the most heroic letter in texas history, location of the …