History Crossword Puzzles

Free printable history crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.

Showing 91-120 of 448 records

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Texas History crossword puzzle
Texas History

the crossword is over _ history, the revolutionary _ , the spanish _ texas, the texas _ didn't last long, texas had _ at the battle of san jacinto, …

Indigenous Studies Vocabulary crossword puzzle
Indigenous Studies Vocabulary

_ sources - objects, writings or accounts that are from the time an event happened, _ sources - accounts or images of the past created sometime after …

Medieval Age Music History crossword puzzle
Medieval Age Music History

these are only used in acapella music, music for the church, music outside of the church, men who sang in church, 450-1450, music with one melody, …

Renaissance Music Time Period crossword puzzle
Renaissance Music Time Period

moving in accordance with the harmony, a song with several voicing typically arranged in elaborate counterpoint, the lowest voicing of instrument or …

Early Republic of America crossword puzzle
Early Republic of America

the _ and sedition acts were passed during john adams presidency, alexander hamilton was a _ , the _ cabinet were advisors under washington, the …

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. crossword puzzle
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

dr. kind worked for _ ? (2 words), what month do we celebrate martin luther kind day?, city where dr. king was assassinated?, age dr. king was …

The Delhi Sultans crossword puzzle
The Delhi Sultans

sultanate history written in persian, the first women sultan of delhi sultanate, coins minted in delhi, delhi became the capital by the dynasty, the …

Origins of WWII crossword puzzle
Origins of WWII

in 1941, hitler invaded, 57 million, united kingdom, france, ussr, u.s, treaty that ended wwi and failed to keep peace, september 3, great britain and …

Greece and Rome History crossword puzzle
Greece and Rome History

the etruscan's were excellent, the book, the "republic" was written by him, greek queen of egypt, the greeks added vowels to this alphabet, …

Women Monarchs crossword puzzle
Women Monarchs

a dutch queen who helped the netherlands stay neutral during wwi, an empress who was one of the first people to recognize women's rights, a queen who …

Roman Aqueducts crossword puzzle
Roman Aqueducts

the latin word for "to lead.", name of volcanic cement which contributed greatly to the construction of the aqueducts, greatly improved …

Julius Caesar crossword puzzle
Julius Caesar

huge or gigantic, cry or mourn, rebellious - acting against your commander, to have good character or integrity, to act like a slave to another person …

Imperialism, Industry, and Revolutions crossword puzzle
Imperialism, Industry, and Revolutions

father of mexican independence, military-based leader after french revolution, gave brazil independence, slave nation that gained independence from …

The Unforgettable Renaissance! crossword puzzle
The Unforgettable Renaissance!

used to achieve a pale complexion, which was considered fashionable during renaissance period, known for his six marriages, the city where the …

Medieval Kings crossword puzzle
Medieval Kings

which king was seen as greedy?, what was the surname of the archbishop henry had killed?, who created the jury system?, how many knights killed the …

Before the French Revolution crossword puzzle
Before the French Revolution

working/low class members of 17th century french society, a crafts person, a situation in which the price of goods rose quickly, french society was …

The Roaring 20s & The Great Depression crossword puzzle
The Roaring 20's & The Great Depression

products intended for personal use by consumers, such as cars, refrigerators, and vacuum cleaners, an arrangement in which the consumer buys something …

Historical Personalities crossword puzzle
Historical Personalities

italian unification, german unification, greatest social reformer (indian), a russian considered to be one of the most evil men, model code of conduct …

Esther crossword puzzle

ruled many provinces, mordecai persuades esther to assist, mordecai found out about the plot and told esther who is the, pur is to destroy or blank, …

60s Decade crossword puzzle
60's Decade

civil rights leader and friend of muhammad, the king of rock and roll, first moon-walker, famous words from neil, addressed "for man", _ …

Spanish Exploration of Texas crossword puzzle
Spanish Exploration of Texas

a spanish explorer who searched for wealth in the americas , a journey undertaken by a group of people, travel undertaken in order to discover new …

Early British Actions in the Colonies crossword puzzle
Early British Actions in the Colonies

a 1765 law requiring colonists to pay taxes on every piece of paper used, a decree limiting colonial expansion west of the appalachian mountains, …

Alexander the Great crossword puzzle
Alexander the Great

alexander wanted to rule all of the _ , alexander was "the great" because of all of his _ , alexander's age when he became ruler of greece, …

World War Two crossword puzzle
World War Two

britain's failed attempt to put off world war ii, invasion of the soviet union by germany, intense bombing by germany against the uk during world war …

Dinosaurs crossword puzzle

a dinosaur that can spit blinding stuff witch is not true but it happens in the movie its in, a dinosaur that was known as a sausage, its name means …

Inventions and Inventors crossword puzzle
Inventions and Inventors

has two hands, invented the steel plow, invented the mechanical reaper, sees something that is broken, founder of a motor company, people found a way …

Ancient Persia crossword puzzle
Ancient Persia

cyrus ii conquered the chaldean and the _ empires, darius kept the empire connected by building and maintaining a _ system, to govern the whole …

African American History crossword puzzle
African American History

first person to refuse to give up her seat, first woman and first african american woman to hold rank of 4 star admiral, first african american heavy …

Famous Scientists and Inventors crossword puzzle
Famous Scientists and Inventors

english physicist and mathematician who formulated the laws of motion and universal gravitation, swiss-american physicist who developed the theory of …

World 1914-1918 crossword puzzle
World 1914-1918

claimed to have magical powers, germany, austria, ottoman empire, bulgaria, the right to vote, lost control of their country because of their …