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History Crossword Puzzles
Free printable history crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
provide only meals some unemployed americans had, when a bank run begins at one bank and spreads to others causing people to lose confidence in banks, …
machine to draw out & twisted cotton fibres, a disease that causes diarrhea, the production of many products, cloth made by weaving/knitting …
evil, unjust acts, to control, federal government; central government, legally make something ineffective, new idea or invention, region of the north …
modern day technology used to do work, a worker in a skilled trade, especially one that involves making things by hand, job in neolithic time that …
traveling to new territories for the purpose of discovery, state sponsored settlement of people to new territories, economic policy where colonies …
area founded by phoenicians on the coast of north africa. it was the largest and richest state due to being an enormous trading empire, he was a …
the longest-reigning queen and female head of state in the world, the first female to join the medical register of the general medical council, …
philosopher and author of 'the republic' (5), philosopher who wrote no works of his own (8), athenian politician and statesman (8), maverick athenian …
this writing system was believed to be the only complete writing system in mesoamerica, what type of system are hieroglyphics?, the incas built these …
the scientific study of prehistoric life forms through the examination of plant and animal fossils, the preserved remains or traces of ancient …
a political rivalry between the united states and the soviet union, a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a …
salt and _ were traded in ghana, this is the form of government ancient ghana had, ghana did not _ any gold mines or salt mines, this is when power is …
a group of 6000 men in the roman army, a class of rich people in the roman empire, latin for 'slave', death by being tied or nailed to a cross, the …
_ warfare are sneak attacks, instead of meeting your enemy at a battle field, giving support and never giving up, colonists who wanted to remain as …
_ laws were introduced in 1935 to control jewish population and "protect the purity of german blood", german for "lighting war", a …
the pharaoh who commissioned the great pyramid, the location of the great pyramid in egypt, the number of air shafts in the great pyramid, a room …
the texas politician who is most commonly associated with the vietnam war at its most violent, the us president at the very beginning of the cold war, …
the location in hawaii where the attack took place, the element that made the pearl harbor attack so devastating, the attack on pearl harbor was …
won the alamo, english word for alamo, picket and thatch huts, commander of the alamo, the battle cry, president during the alamo, flag flown over the …
to leave or withdraw, underground _ - series of escape routes and hiding places to bring slaves out of the south, unfair treatment of particular …
simon _ , venezuelan revolutionary, spaniard born in latin america, _ system was created to classify people based on their heritage, _ l'ouverture, …
louis' own .......... voted in favor to have him executed, marie ant. was ............. by her people, also found in the bastille, over 18,000 people …
a majority of the people in kansas were opposed to the _ constitution and to the opening of the territory to slavery, stephen douglas believed in …
a _ climate let farmers grow crops in areas that were once too cold for farming, most _ grew too quickly to be carefully planned out, farmers …
rights given to all us citizens by the us constitution, unfair treatment based on a prejudice, jackie robinson was the first black major league …
a set of ideas and beliefs that are dominant in society and are used to justify the power and privilege of the ruling class, an ideology developed by …
device that records sound (10 letters), machine used to fly (8 letters), portable light source (10 letters), device used to view distant objects (9 …
mlk, jr's most famous speech: "i have a _ ", name of the movement that sought to extend full equality to blacks (2 words), mlk, jr. held a …
civil rights leader and friend of muhammad, the king of rock and roll, first moon-walker, famous words from neil, addressed "for man", _ …
the earliest chinese dynasty that we have definite documentation for is the _ dynasty, sumerian trade was based largely on this precious metal, head …