Famous Philosophers Crossword Puzzle

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Famous Philosophers Crossword Puzzle

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  • socrates: greek philosopher, method of questioning
  • plato: a student of socrates, wrote "the republic"
  • aristotle: student of plato, teacher of alexander
  • kant: author of "critique of pure reason"
  • nietzsche: philosopher of the "Übermensch"
  • descartes: "i think, therefore i am"
  • confucius: chinese philosopher of ethics
  • hume: empiricist and skeptic
  • hegel: developed dialectical method
  • rousseau: wrote "the social contract"
  • locke: father of liberalism
  • spinoza: dutch philosopher of rationalism
  • hobbes: wrote "leviathan"
  • sartre: existentialist author of "being and nothingness"
  • voltaire: french enlightenment writer
  • wittgenstein: philosopher of language
  • mill: proponent of utilitarianism
  • kierkegaard: father of existentialism
  • epicurus: greek philosopher of pleasure
  • zeno: founder of stoicism