Hair Growth Cycle Crossword Puzzle

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Hair Growth Cycle Crossword Puzzle

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  • anagen: first stage of hair growth during which new hair is produced.
  • catagen: the hair shaft grows upward and detaches itself from the bulb.
  • telogen: the final phase in the hair cycle that lasts until the grown hair is shed.
  • hair follicle: the tube-like depression or pocket in the skin or scalp that contains the hair root.
  • hair root: part of the hair that lies within the follicle at the base, where the hair grows.
  • hair shaft: portion of the hair that extends or projects beyond the skin.
  • hair bulb: it is a thick, club shaped structure that forms the lower part of the hair root
  • hair papilla: cone-shaped elevation at the base of the follicle that fit into the hair bulb.
  • hair growth: a result of the activity of cells in the basal layer.
  • trichology: scientific study of hair and its diseases