Classification Crossword Puzzle

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Classification Crossword Puzzle

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  • key : a series of questions with yes or no answers to help you identify something
  • linnaeus : a scientist who organised living things and gave them each a two-part latin name
  • kingdom : there are five of these big groups of living things - plants, animals, fungi, protists and bacteria/monera
  • photosynthesis : plants do this to get their energy from the sun
  • fungi : this kingdom includes moulds, mushrooms, toadstools and yeast. they are different to plants because they can't make their own food
  • animals : this kingdom can be divided into vertebrates and invertebrates
  • arthropod : this is a phylum of invertebrates and the word means 'jointed' legs. it includes arachnids and insects
  • insects : these arthropods have 3 body parts (head, thorax and abdomen) and 6 legs. bees and beetles are examples
  • spiders : these arthropods have 8 legs and 2 body parts. along with harvestman, they are arachnids
  • fish : these vertebrates have scales and gills and live in water. they lay eggs
  • amphibians : these vertebrates have several stages to their life cycles. they start life in the water but can live on land when they are older. they have moist skin.
  • mammals : these vertebrates have hair or fur and feed milk to their young
  • birds : these vertebrates have feathers, a beak and 2 wings. some can fly
  • reptiles : these vertebrates have dry, scaly skin
  • plants : this kingdom can be flowering or no-flowering