Functional Anatomy & Body Systems (Equine) Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: thyroid : secrete thyroxin which regulates the metabolism, seven : how much does the average horse's heart weigh, respiration : the act of breathing, skeletal : the function of this body system is to shape the body, protect organs, and also reserve calcium. phosphorus, fat,, muscular : the system involved with internal and external movement also reserves the, digestive : the main function of this body system is to convert feed into energy, larynx : the vocal box, fibrous : these joints have no joint cavity, are held together by tissues, and don't move ex; teeth. skull, pharynx : this part of the respiratory system leads to the lungs and digestive system, ovaries : mare produces, and releases eggs, reproductive : the sole function of this body is to create new organisms of the same special, synovial : these joints offer the most movement, and have a joint cavity ex: fetlock, cranial : reference point meaning towards the head, urinary : the function of this body system is to process (liquid) body waste, non ruminant : having only one compartment to the stomach, ventral : reference point meaning towards the belly, circulatory : the main function of this body system is to distribute blood, cardiac muscle : this type of muscle is both smooth and striated, involuntary, expiration : relaxation of diaphragm, caudal : reference point meaning towards the tail, dorsal : reference point meaning towards the back, trachea : connects larynx to the lungs, respiratory : the function of this body system is to take in oxygen and remove co2, blood carries oxygen from the lungs to tissues, conformation : bone size and position help to create a horse, axial : head, cervical, thoracic, lumbar. sacral. coccygeal is all in terms of the body