Enzymes and DNA Crossword Puzzle

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  • deoxyribose: this is the pentose sugar in dna.
  • activation energy: enzymes catalyse reactions by decreasing this.
  • three: the number of hydrogen bonds that c and g form
  • two: the number of hydrogen bonds that a and t form
  • purine: a base which has two carbon-nitrogen rings
  • pyrimidine: a nitrogenous base which has one carbon-nitrogen ring
  • competitive: this type of inhibitor blocks the active site.
  • allosteric: this is the site where a non-competitive inhibitor binds.
  • adenine: this base pairs with thymine.
  • uracil: this base replaces thymine in
  • catalyst: enzymes are biological _ .
  • thymine: this pyrimidine can form two hydrogen bonds with its complementary base.
  • complementary: the active site has a _ shape to the substrate.
  • ribose: this is the pentose sugar in rna.