Nuclear Fission Crossword Puzzle
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- nucleus : center of a cell
- neutron : subatomic particle with no charge
- nuclear fusion : light elements form heavier elements and release energy
- nuclear fission : the splitting of a large nucleus to produce two smaller ones
- alpha particle : two protons and two neutrons bound together to make a helium-4 nucleus
- gamma radiation : electromagnetic radiation arising from the radioactive decay of atomic nuclei
- mass number : total number of protons and neutrons in an atomic nucleus
- proton : subatomic particle with positive electric charge
- radioactivity : emission of energy and particles by unstable atomic nuclei
- isotope : an atom of the same element with different numbers of neutrons
- chain reaction : sequence of reactions where a reactive product causes additional reactions
- beta particle : high energy high electron emitted by radioactive decay of substances
- half life : the concentration of a substance to fall off half of its original value
- atomic number : same number of protons