Elements, Compounds, and Mixtures Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: soluble : able to dissolve, oxygen : element we breathe in to survive, dissolving : process where particles septa and spread evenly throughout mixture, solid : state of matter where particles are packed tight but vibrate, copper : metal used to wire homes, suspension : mixture where particles are large enough to settle out, insoluble : unable to dissolve, alloy : solid solution, colloid : mixture where particles can scatter light, solubility : ability of one substance to dissolve in another, nonmetal : element that conducts heat and electricity poorly, compound : substance made up two or more different elements bonded together, element : cannot be separated into simpler substance by physical or chemical means, gold : metal used to make rings, metalloid : element with properties of metals and nonmetals, solute : in a solution, the substance that dissolves in the solvent, solution : homogeneous mixture of two or more substances uniformly dispersed, silver : metal used to make quarters and dimes, plasma : state of matter of the sun, liquid : state of matter definite volume and particles can flow, mixtures : substances that are not chemically combined, viscosity : resistance to flow, metal : element that is shiny and conducts heat and electricity, gas : state of matter particles bouncing off each other, solvent : in solution, the substance in which the solute dissolves